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Links from: Temporal-Lobe: Hippocampal - Parahippocampal Neuroanatomy of the Rat
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No. Resource ID Entrez DB Entrez OID Link Name Link Category Link Url Link Query
1 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 1704281 The postsubicular cortex in the rat: characterization of the fourth region of the subicular cortex and its connections; from injection area PrS to projection area LEA Data: Brain connectivity Link
2 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 6886390 Connectivity of the hilar region of the hippocampal formation in the rat; from injection area CA1 to projection area DG Data: Brain connectivity Link
3 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 1270625 Topographic organization of the projections from the entorhinal area to the hippocampal formation of the rat; from injection area LEA to projection area CA3 Data: Brain connectivity Link
4 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 1697208 The connections of presubiculum and parasubiculum in the rat; from injection area PaS to projection area PER Data: Brain connectivity Link
5 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 6168668 An autoradiographic study of the efferent connections of the entorhinal cortex in the rat; from injection area LEA to projection area PrS Data: Brain connectivity Link
6 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 11406828 Intrinsic connectivity of the rat subiculum: I. Dendritic morphology and patterns of axonal arborization by pyramidal neurons; from injection area SUB to projection area PrS Data: Brain connectivity Link
7 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 1697208 The connections of presubiculum and parasubiculum in the rat; from injection area A29ab_unsp to projection area PrS Data: Brain connectivity Link
8 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 679029 Afferent connections of the entorhinal area in the rat as demonstrated by retrograde cell-labeling with horseradish peroxidase; from injection area LEA to projection area CA3 Data: Brain connectivity Link
9 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 9492202 Perirhinal and postrhinal cortices of the rat: interconnectivity and connections with the entorhinal cortex; from injection area LEA to projection area MEA Data: Brain connectivity Link
10 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 19360714 Cortical efferents of the perirhinal, postrhinal, and entorhinal cortices of the rat; from injection area LEA to projection area A30 Data: Brain connectivity Link
11 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 3974751 Direct connections between the hippocampus and the retrosplenial cortex in the rat; from injection area RSC to projection area DG Data: Brain connectivity Link
12 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 17767498 GABAergic projections from the hippocampus to the retrosplenial cortex in the rat; from injection area A29c to projection area CA1 Data: Brain connectivity Link
13 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 2836479 Topographical relationship between the entorhinal cortex and the septotemporal axis of the dentate gyrus in rats: II. Cells projecting from lateral entorhinal subdivisions; from injection area DG to projection area LEA Data: Brain connectivity Link
14 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 5585500 An electron microscope study on the termination of the perforant path fibres in the hippocampus and the fascia dentata; from injection area MEA to projection area CA3 Data: Brain connectivity Link
15 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 8300905 The hippocampal CA3 network: an in vivo intracellular labeling study; from injection area CA3 to projection area SUB Data: Brain connectivity Link
16 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 632370 Organization of the mossy fiber system of the rat studied in extended hippocampi. I. Terminal area related to number of granule and pyramidal cells; from injection area DG to projection area CA3 Data: Brain connectivity Link
17 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 6180146 Evidence for collateral projections by neurons in Ammon's horn, the dentate gyrus, and the subiculum: a multiple retrograde labeling study in the rat; from injection area EC to projection area SUB Data: Brain connectivity Link
18 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 17559940 Spatial organization of direct hippocampal field CA1 axonal projections to the rest of the cerebral cortex; from injection area CA1 to projection area PaS Data: Brain connectivity Link
19 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 1270625 Topographic organization of the projections from the entorhinal area to the hippocampal formation of the rat; from injection area LEA to projection area DG Data: Brain connectivity Link
20 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 6643724 Afferent connections of the perirhinal cortex in the rat; from injection area POR to projection area PER Data: Brain connectivity Link
21 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 1713171 Morphological characterization of rat entorhinal neurons in vivo: soma-dendritic structure and axonal domains; from injection area MEA to projection area DG Data: Brain connectivity Link
22 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 3958250 Intrinsic connections of the retrohippocampal region in the rat brain. II. The medial entorhinal area; from injection area PaS to projection area LEA Data: Brain connectivity Link
23 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 9492202 Perirhinal and postrhinal cortices of the rat: interconnectivity and connections with the entorhinal cortex; from injection area POR to projection area A36 Data: Brain connectivity Link
24 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 9492202 Perirhinal and postrhinal cortices of the rat: interconnectivity and connections with the entorhinal cortex; from injection area POR to projection area A35 Data: Brain connectivity Link
25 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 9700566 Cortical afferents of the perirhinal, postrhinal, and entorhinal cortices of the rat; from injection area POR to projection area LEA Data: Brain connectivity Link
26 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 3902916 Intrinsic projections of the retrohippocampal region in the rat brain. I. The subicular complex; from injection area PrS to projection area PaS Data: Brain connectivity Link
27 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 2836479 Topographical relationship between the entorhinal cortex and the septotemporal axis of the dentate gyrus in rats: II. Cells projecting from lateral entorhinal subdivisions; from injection area SUB to projection area LEA Data: Brain connectivity Link
28 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 6199226 Afferent fibers to rat cingulate cortex; from injection area SUB to projection area A29b Data: Brain connectivity Link
29 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 65364 An autoradiographic study of the organization of the efferent connections of the hippocampal formation in the rat; from injection area CA3 to projection area MEA Data: Brain connectivity Link
30 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 9261838 Parallel input to the hippocampal memory system through peri- and postrhinal cortices; from injection area POR to projection area LEA Data: Brain connectivity Link
31 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 1727001 Organization of CA1 projections to the subiculum: a PHA-L analysis in the rat; from injection area CA1 to projection area SUB Data: Brain connectivity Link
32 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 11345131 Reciprocal connections between the entorhinal cortex and hippocampal fields CA1 and the subiculum are in register with the projections from CA1 to the subiculum; from injection area CA1 to projection area MEA Data: Brain connectivity Link
33 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 7544658 Zinc-containing innervation of the subicular region in the rat; from injection area CA1 to projection area PaS Data: Brain connectivity Link
34 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 1697208 The connections of presubiculum and parasubiculum in the rat; from injection area PrS to projection area RSC Data: Brain connectivity Link
35 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 16359649 CA3 axonal sprouting in kainate-induced chronic epilepsy; from injection area CA3 to projection area MEA Data: Brain connectivity Link
36 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 422759 Commissural and intrinsic connections of the rat hippocampus; from injection area DG to projection area CA1 Data: Brain connectivity Link
37 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 3374835 Entorhinal projections to the hippocampal CA1 region in the rat: an underestimated pathway; from injection area Cingulate to projection area HPC Data: Brain connectivity Link
38 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 1704281 The postsubicular cortex in the rat: characterization of the fourth region of the subicular cortex and its connections; from injection area PrS to projection area PrS Data: Brain connectivity Link
39 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 17559940 Spatial organization of direct hippocampal field CA1 axonal projections to the rest of the cerebral cortex; from injection area CA1 to projection area LEA Data: Brain connectivity Link
40 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 7538515 Preservation of topography in the connections between the subiculum, field CA1, and the entorhinal cortex in rats; from injection area MEA to projection area SUB Data: Brain connectivity Link
41 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 1697208 The connections of presubiculum and parasubiculum in the rat; from injection area PrS to projection area A30 Data: Brain connectivity Link
42 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 422759 Commissural and intrinsic connections of the rat hippocampus; from injection area DG to projection area CA3 Data: Brain connectivity Link
43 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 8738371 Afferents to the seizure-sensitive neurons in layer III of the medial entorhinal area: a tracing study in the rat; from injection area MEA to projection area PrS Data: Brain connectivity Link
44 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 11345118 Evidence for a direct projection from the postrhinal cortex to the subiculum in the rat; from injection area POR to projection area CA1 Data: Brain connectivity Link
45 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 6643724 Afferent connections of the perirhinal cortex in the rat; from injection area A36 to projection area MEA Data: Brain connectivity Link
46 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 7538515 Preservation of topography in the connections between the subiculum, field CA1, and the entorhinal cortex in rats; from injection area MEA to projection area CA1 Data: Brain connectivity Link
47 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 17717699 Three-dimensional reconstruction of the axon arbor of a CA3 pyramidal cell recorded and filled in vivo; from injection area CA3 to projection area CA3 Data: Brain connectivity Link
48 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 3343404 Species differences in hippocampal commissural connections: studies in rat, guinea pig, rabbit, and cat; from injection area DG to projection area CA3 Data: Brain connectivity Link
49 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 17607757 Functional neuroanatomy of the parahippocampal region: The lateral and medial entorhinal areas; from injection area LEA to projection area PaS Data: Brain connectivity Link
50 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 19322631 Organization of intrinsic connections of the retrosplenial cortex in the rat; from injection area A29a to projection area A29b Data: Brain connectivity Link
51 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 6886390 Connectivity of the hilar region of the hippocampal formation in the rat; from injection area RSC to projection area SUB Data: Brain connectivity Link
52 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 19322631 Organization of intrinsic connections of the retrosplenial cortex in the rat; from injection area A29a to projection area A29c Data: Brain connectivity Link
53 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 17559940 Spatial organization of direct hippocampal field CA1 axonal projections to the rest of the cerebral cortex; from injection area CA1 to projection area A36 Data: Brain connectivity Link
54 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 1702115 Extrinsic projections from area CA1 of the rat hippocampus: olfactory, cortical, subcortical, and bilateral hippocampal formation projections; from injection area CA1 to projection area PER Data: Brain connectivity Link
55 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 17604355 Functional neuroanatomy of the parahippocampal region in the rat: The perirhinal and postrhinal cortices; from injection area POR to projection area SUB Data: Brain connectivity Link
56 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 7544658 Zinc-containing innervation of the subicular region in the rat; from injection area SUB to projection area PaS Data: Brain connectivity Link
57 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 9492202 Perirhinal and postrhinal cortices of the rat: interconnectivity and connections with the entorhinal cortex; from injection area MEA to projection area A35 Data: Brain connectivity Link
58 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 1713171 Morphological characterization of rat entorhinal neurons in vivo: soma-dendritic structure and axonal domains; from injection area LEA to projection area DG Data: Brain connectivity Link
59 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 6863602 Cortical connections between rat cingulate cortex and visual, motor, and postsubicular cortices; from injection area A30 to projection area A29a Data: Brain connectivity Link
60 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 15116384 Organization of connectivity of the rat presubiculum: I. Efferent projections to the medial entorhinal cortex; from injection area LEA to projection area PrS Data: Brain connectivity Link
61 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 6643724 Afferent connections of the perirhinal cortex in the rat; from injection area EC to projection area PER Data: Brain connectivity Link
62 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 17607757 Functional neuroanatomy of the parahippocampal region: The lateral and medial entorhinal areas; from injection area MEA to projection area CA3 Data: Brain connectivity Link
63 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 9700566 Cortical afferents of the perirhinal, postrhinal, and entorhinal cortices of the rat; from injection area POR to projection area A30 Data: Brain connectivity Link
64 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 3020190 Anatomical evidence for direct projections from the entorhinal area to the entire cortical mantle in the rat; from injection area LEA to projection area PaS Data: Brain connectivity Link
65 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 9136047 Entorhinal cortex of the rat: cytoarchitectonic subdivisions and the origin and distribution of cortical efferents; from injection area RSC to projection area EC Data: Brain connectivity Link
66 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 422759 Commissural and intrinsic connections of the rat hippocampus; from injection area CA3 to projection area DG Data: Brain connectivity Link
67 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 11406828 Intrinsic connectivity of the rat subiculum: I. Dendritic morphology and patterns of axonal arborization by pyramidal neurons; from injection area SUB to projection area CA1 Data: Brain connectivity Link
68 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 9548550 Subicular efferents are organized mostly as parallel projections: a double-labeling, retrograde-tracing study in the rat; from injection area A29c to projection area CA1 Data: Brain connectivity Link
69 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 9700566 Cortical afferents of the perirhinal, postrhinal, and entorhinal cortices of the rat; from injection area A35 to projection area A30 Data: Brain connectivity Link
70 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 18000818 Convergence of entorhinal and CA3 inputs onto pyramidal neurons and interneurons in hippocampal area CA1-An anatomical study in the rat; from injection area MEA to projection area CA3 Data: Brain connectivity Link
71 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 891692 Subicular projections to the posterior cingulate cortex in rats; from injection area PrS to projection area A29c Data: Brain connectivity Link
72 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 7544658 Zinc-containing innervation of the subicular region in the rat; from injection area SUB to projection area EC Data: Brain connectivity Link
73 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 6863602 Cortical connections between rat cingulate cortex and visual, motor, and postsubicular cortices; from injection area A29c to projection area PrS Data: Brain connectivity Link
74 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 8929332 The alvear pathway of the rat hippocampus; from injection area EC to projection area DG Data: Brain connectivity Link
75 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 891692 Subicular projections to the posterior cingulate cortex in rats; from injection area PrS to projection area PrS Data: Brain connectivity Link
76 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 6643724 Afferent connections of the perirhinal cortex in the rat; from injection area SUB to projection area PER Data: Brain connectivity Link
77 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 17604355 Functional neuroanatomy of the parahippocampal region in the rat: The perirhinal and postrhinal cortices; from injection area A35 to projection area EC Data: Brain connectivity Link
78 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 19360714 Cortical efferents of the perirhinal, postrhinal, and entorhinal cortices of the rat; from injection area MEA to projection area Cingulate Data: Brain connectivity Link
79 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 9700566 Cortical afferents of the perirhinal, postrhinal, and entorhinal cortices of the rat; from injection area MEA to projection area A30 Data: Brain connectivity Link
80 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 2273095 Connections of the retrosplenial granular a cortex in the rat; from injection area A29ab_unsp to projection area A29c Data: Brain connectivity Link
81 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 2341634 Dendritic bundling in layer I of granular retrosplenial cortex: intracellular labeling and selectivity of innervation; from injection area SUB to projection area RSC Data: Brain connectivity Link
82 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 6863602 Cortical connections between rat cingulate cortex and visual, motor, and postsubicular cortices; from injection area A30 to projection area SUB Data: Brain connectivity Link
83 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 10583500 Perirhinal cortex input to the hippocampus in the rat: evidence for parallel pathways, both direct and indirect. A combined physiological and anatomical study; from injection area PER to projection area SUB Data: Brain connectivity Link
84 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 16987216 Hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cells selectively innervate aspiny interneurons; from injection area CA3 to projection area CA1 Data: Brain connectivity Link
85 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 15893643 Intrinsic connections of the cingulate cortex in the rat suggest the existence of multiple functionally segregated networks; from injection area A30 to projection area A30 Data: Brain connectivity Link
86 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 1704281 The postsubicular cortex in the rat: characterization of the fourth region of the subicular cortex and its connections; from injection area PrS to projection area RSC Data: Brain connectivity Link
87 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 9348124 Organization of the entorhinal projection to the rat dentate gyrus revealed by Dil anterograde labeling; from injection area LEA to projection area DG Data: Brain connectivity Link
88 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 3958250 Intrinsic connections of the retrohippocampal region in the rat brain. II. The medial entorhinal area; from injection area MEA to projection area CA3 Data: Brain connectivity Link
89 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 65364 An autoradiographic study of the organization of the efferent connections of the hippocampal formation in the rat; from injection area CA3 to projection area Cingulate Data: Brain connectivity Link
90 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 17607757 Functional neuroanatomy of the parahippocampal region: The lateral and medial entorhinal areas; from injection area LEA to projection area CA3 Data: Brain connectivity Link
91 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 16344147 Entorhinal projections terminate onto principal neurons and interneurons in the subiculum: a quantitative electron microscopical analysis in the rat; from injection area MEA to projection area SUB Data: Brain connectivity Link
92 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 7843307 Projections from the presubiculum and the parasubiculum to morphologically characterized entorhinal-hippocampal projection neurons in the rat; from injection area PaS to projection area EC Data: Brain connectivity Link
93 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 2836479 Topographical relationship between the entorhinal cortex and the septotemporal axis of the dentate gyrus in rats: II. Cells projecting from lateral entorhinal subdivisions; from injection area LEA to projection area DG Data: Brain connectivity Link
94 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 16344147 Entorhinal projections terminate onto principal neurons and interneurons in the subiculum: a quantitative electron microscopical analysis in the rat; from injection area LEA to projection area SUB Data: Brain connectivity Link
95 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 16359649 CA3 axonal sprouting in kainate-induced chronic epilepsy; from injection area CA3 to projection area SUB Data: Brain connectivity Link
96 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 6199226 Afferent fibers to rat cingulate cortex; from injection area PaS to projection area A30 Data: Brain connectivity Link
97 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 3343404 Species differences in hippocampal commissural connections: studies in rat, guinea pig, rabbit, and cat; from injection area CA3 to projection area CA3 Data: Brain connectivity Link
98 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 6886390 Connectivity of the hilar region of the hippocampal formation in the rat; from injection area CA3 to projection area CA1 Data: Brain connectivity Link
99 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 6643724 Afferent connections of the perirhinal cortex in the rat; from injection area A35 to projection area SUB Data: Brain connectivity Link
100 nif-0000-24805 PubMed 3902916 Intrinsic projections of the retrohippocampal region in the rat brain. I. The subicular complex; from injection area PaS to projection area CA3 Data: Brain connectivity Link